Suffering and Tortures of Christ

By Jacqueline Kelly –

Suffering is the greatest problem of human life. We all have sufferings and we all have to suffer. Sometimes, small sorrows, sometimes we are victims to greater ones.

The reason why suffering appears so hard is that, first of all, we are not taught what suffering is. Secondly, we are not taught how to bear it and thirdly, we are not taught the priceless values of suffering.

It is astonishing how easily some people bear great sufferings, whereas, others get excited even at the slightest pain or troubles in life.

First of all, suffering is not simply an evil for no one suffered more than the Son of God Himself. Every suffering comes from God. It may appear to us by chance or accident or from someone else, but, in reality, every suffering comes to us from God. Nothing happens to us without His Will.

God has created us in His own image and likeness then why does God allow us to suffer? Simply, because He is asking us to take a little share in His Passion. Every act in Our Lord’s Life was a lesson for us. The greatest act in His Life was His Passion. This, then, is the greatest lesson for us. It teaches us that we too must suffer.

Christ suffered all the dreadful pains of His Passion for each one of us.

How can we refuse to suffer a little for love of Him?

Secondly, if we accept the suffering He sends us and offer them in union with His sufferings, we receive blessings. The Saints tell us that if we patiently bear our sufferings, we merit the Crown of Martyrdom. Suffering borne patiently brings out all that is good in us. If we bear these facts in mind, it certainly becomes much easier to suffer.

Thirdly, when God gives us any suffering, He always gives us strength to bear it. Instead, of asking for God to help us, we tend to get excited and frustrated. It is this excitement and impatience that makes it hard to bear.

All of us have troubles, pains, disappointments in our everyday lives. All of these, if borne for the love of God and with patience will fetch us immense consolation and rewards.

An eminent Physician, in a conference which he gave to distinguished scientists and fellow doctors, told them that he owed all his success in life to the simple fact that he had corrected his habit of impatience and annoyance, which had been destroying all his energy and activity. We can learn from his example to stay calm and serene in times of adversities and try to improvise and tackle situations. This is the secret to happiness.

We may do all in our power to avoid or lessen our sufferings, but we cannot altogether avoid suffering. Therefore, we have to learn to bear sufferings that come our way. Though we may never experience extreme pains of body, sufferings of mind and torments of soul, we can at least be willing to accept the small crosses and sufferings of everyday living.

We shall find in each unpleasant experience a golden opportunity to unite our hearts to the generous heart of Jesus crucified.

Even when obliged by duty to avoid some burden or reject some suffering, we shall find ourselves doing it with a sense of loyalty to Christ, Our King.

We must try to understand that if we remain calm and patient, suffering loses all its sting but the moment we get excited, the smallest suffering increases.

Prayer is a great remedy for any suffering. We should pray earnestly and constantly, asking God to help us to bear our suffering, to console us, or if it pleases Him, to deliver us from suffering. An eminent doctor, in an article which he published, says that “PRAYER is the greatest power in the world’.

We should pray to Our Lady of Sorrows to intercede for us in all our troubles. We should ask Her, by the oceans of sorrow She felt during the Passion of Our Lord, to help us. When your Crosses seem to crush your aching heart, when you feel discouraged and become erroneously convinced that no one cares, just pause for a moment and study the touching picture of the dying Christ. You will feel a new strength within you, become more encouraged, and bear your Crosses more patiently, because you will bear them for His sake. You will be convinced that SOMEONE DOES CARE, more than you shall ever know.

One comment

  1. 6great experiences are sufferings and joys my wife gloria n me have experienced. Our sufferings have turned into joys, we are 59 yrs married n god has blessed us because we count our blessings not our sorrows.

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