Submit to God’s Will

By David Peter, CSC –

Readings: Num 21:4-9; Phil 2: 6-11; Jn 3:13-17

Cross is not just a wooden piece. Cross is the sign of love brings the divine to the human; Cross leads the human to the divine with the means of relation and submission.

Today our mother church commemorates the feast of Exaltation of the Cross. The readings of the day make us to reflect on the cross which can be interpreted in different ways according to our daily living. Today’s reading invites us to see the cross as a life to those who believe God’s love, mercy and protection.

Cross symbolizes the fullness of life and life in Christ. Cross is the throne of God’s love that is manifested by the very life of his only son being crucified on it. Cross impels us to inculcate the virtue of Christ’s humility, obedience and single-hearted submission to God’s will joyfully and willingly.

It is undeniable truth that the core of every Christian life begins with cross at the time of baptism and it remains throughout one’s life till the last journey to the heavenly Father. The faith in the cross provokes our awareness of the mysteries of the Lord; that is ‘Christ has died, Christ has risen and Christ will come again.’ It is a solemn invitation for all of us to seek forgiveness for our sins in confession, rise to life with Christ everyday through Holy Eucharist and grow in union with him to attain eternal life. As a Christian let our life be Christ-centric having complete faith in his redeeming cross and inherit the eternal life by our humble submission to God’s will.