Strongly Hold on to the Assurance of Jesus

By Jacob Perikala csc.

Readings: Dan 7: 2-14; Lk 21: 29-33

The first reading of the day reminds me that I should never cease to praise God. We see that Prophet Daniel had a vision where God’s angels were praising him all the time. Daniel prophesied about the glory of the Son of a man whose kingdom would have no end. In the gospel, Jesus clearly makes use of the signs from nature to instruct his disciples about the end times.

As we are able to interpret nature’s revelations, we should also be alert and awake to read the signs of the end times. Nature is the first revelation of God. Natural calamities like tsunami, earthquake and the recent pandemic we endured, do not only teach us how to be good human beings but also correct our mistakes and lifestyles.

We must strongly hold on to the assurance of Jesus that his word would never pass away until it meets its goal. His words are consoling and corrective, challenging and healing, authoritative and trustworthy. We can easily overcome the forces of evil by relying on the words of God. One thing in life never passes away, which is God’s word. Therefore, on his words we must build our lives; and his words are the only firm foundation on which we can build our homes of love, hope, peace and the joy of Christ.