Stay Awake and be Ready to be Invited to His Vineyard

Akhsi Wary csc –

Readings: Ezek 34: 1-11; Mt 20: 1-16

Readings of the day tell us about the importance of treating each one equally. In the first reading God asks the shepherd of people to take care of the sheep equally, excluding no one.

The parable in today’s gospel may look as though injustice was being done to those labourers who came early in the morning and labored whole day, but we know that no injustice was done to them.

There was only apparent injustice since the early labourers compared themselves with the late-comers. This Gospel reading reminds us not to judge the events through human eyes which easily deceive but to look through the eyes of God expressing love and generosity for all his creation.

God is faithful to his promises. He gives his love and justice generously to every person without exception provided we are open to his invitation to work in his vineyard. So let us stay awake and ready in prayers in order to be invited by God in his vineyard, and let us stop complaining that we deserved better than others.