Stay Alert in Anticipation of Christ’s Return

By Tarsish Marak csc.

Readings: Wis 13:1-9; Lk 17:26-37

A careful reflection on today’s readings makes us realize that true wisdom involves a dual recognition: acknowledging the Creator in the marvels of creation and staying spiritually alert for the future return of Christ. The passage from the book of Wisdom calls for an acknowledgment of the divine in creation, and the gospel calls for an acknowledgment of the eternal in the midst of the temporal.

This dual awareness fosters a deep sense of purpose and guides us to bring forth actions with an understanding of their spiritual significance. Wisdom comes from God; therefore, we need to pray for God’s wisdom so that we may discern and understand God’s purpose in our lives.

It is important to live with intentionality and to be aware of our surroundings. This can help us to encounter Jesus in our daily lives. May the divine wisdom help us to stay spiritually alert in anticipation of Christ’s return.