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Stand for Justice and Fear Nothing

By Pravin S csc –

Readings: Is 6: 1-8; Mt 10: 24-33

The liturgy invites us not to be afraid of anything which is passing and to trust in God who is stable and permanent. As disciples of Jesus we  need  to  be  bold  enough  to  stand  for  justice.  It is a challenging task to stand for justice because through this we may face rejection, hatred, humiliation, or punishment.

Many times, when we stand up for justice, we face problems which make us afraid. We worry about our future and allow the fear to overrule us forcing us to move away from standing up for justice. So, the readings of today give us a beautiful message to believe in God and surrender completely to God who will take care of the rest. God has a plan for everyone in the world so that we too can come out with boldness to stand for justice like prophet Isaiah.

The gospel reading of the day gives us a call to be faithful to God and not blame God for whatever happens in our life. Jesus reminds us that we should not deny his existence in the world. If we ever do that, he will deny our existence in heaven in front of the Father. So, it is a call for us to stand for justice and not fear anything.