Spend Some Quiet Time in Prayer

Readings: Col 1:1-8; Lk 4:38-44

In today’s Gospel, Jesus heals Peters’ mother-in-law, and goes on healing many others in the town who were sick and possessed by evil spirits. The important point is that he tries to go to spend some time in prayer. Jesus always puts first the will of his Father. He is connected to the Father to carry on his mission, seeks Father’s help and guidance every day while praying alone.

In the same way we too can have and feel the strong connection to Jesus every time we approach him with sincere and willing heart and good dispositions. For we are created in his image and likeness.

Today’s scripture is a call and reminder to us to experience the inner healing and contentment through our prayer. So let us spend some quiet time in prayer with the Lord even when we feel at times tired and exhausted. When we surrender all our worries and problems, and he will surely guide and lead us forward.