Share With Others the Joy of Easter

By Eldho Augustine csc –

Readings: Acts 2: 14, 22-33; Mt 28: 8-15

We still carry with us the joy of Holy Week and Easter Sunday liturgies. In the gospel reading we see two kinds of people, first one who spread the good news of Jesus’ resurrection and the second one, the soldiers who manipulates the truth with the help of chief priests. Both the groups obeyed the commands from whom they trusted.

In our life too, we go through these kinds of situations. Sometimes, we are asked to give up our values for the selfish motives of others, sometimes we are to take the decisions for the good of the others.

Jesus tells us “Fear not”. Do I feel the call of Jesus in my life? We see in the first reading Peter speaking courageously to the other disciples. We know he had fear but the Easter joy made him courageous and bold. At times, we forget, fall asleep, deny Jesus and run away fearfully, forgetting that ‘Joy’. The readings assure us that he will be there to meet us with his arms open, eyes filled
with love and with the joy of resurrection. Let us be courageous and bold in sharing with others the joy of Easter through our words and actions.