Share the Joy We Received with Others

John Desing csc –

Readings: Is 7: 10-14; Mt 1: 18-24

Today we are in the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and we light the candle of peace. It reminds us of the message of the angels: “peace on earth, good will to all people”. The first reading reveals the messianic birth, and God himself gives the sign that the virgin will conceive and bear a son, the Immanuel, which means God is with us.

In the second reading, St. Paul testifies who Jesus really is. He instructs the Romans that Jesus is the son of God, and all belong to Jesus Christ. The Gospel passage is the fulfilment of the first reading. It narrates the birth of Jesus Christ. The son of God is born to Mary and Joseph. The passage shows Joseph’s dilemma about accepting Mary as his wife. Joseph being a just man and, through the intervention of an angel, accepts to take Mary as his wife and brings the prince of peace to the world. St. Joseph plays a vital role in bringing up the child Jesus.

As Christmas is approaching, we are invited to prepare ourselves to receive the Joy of the world. Today, how can we prepare ourselves to receive the joy of the world and share the peace of Christ? St. Joseph is the best example we have. One thing we can learn from him is to surrender to God and accept His will. Learning to accept others without any discrimination and working together for the common good is seen in the life of Joseph and Mary. Total dependency on God and trust in each other is seen in them. Today, let us ask the Lord to give us an understanding that God is living with us, and we need to share the joy we received with others.