Share Common Brotherhood With People

Readings: 1 Thes 4: 9-11; Mt 25: 14-30

The readings of today encourage me to be faithful to the small responsibilities given to me. The readings challenged me not to look at power and authority but to be a responsible person. Faithfulness to little things will help me to cultivate the virtue of being faithful in my life. The Gospel reading makes me question the present society in terms of money making. Those who have riches are becoming richer and those who have little to survive even that is taken away from them.

Here, I seek the answer in the Christian virtue of love. God teaches us to love one another. It is love that makes us feel one with our brothers and sisters who are suffering. We are called through baptism to live in love not as independent individuals but in a brotherhood. It is easy to identify ourselves with the people who doubled their talents in the Gospel. but I feel for the one who was condemned for not doing anything with the given talent.

To be faithful to my responsibility is easy but the readings challenge me to be responsible for the people who are left behind, to love them without any judgment and prejudices, and to share a common brotherhood with them.