Seek the Will of God

By Vimal Kumar csc –

Readings: Mic 7: 14-15, 18-20; Mt 12: 46-50

Jesus extends his invitation to the next level of discipleship by doing the will of God. It is an extraordinary call to become a part of his family by spreading good news.

However, the condition for his relationship is how I accomplish his will. I found its meaning when distributing food to the poor migrants. “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink.” (Mt25:35).

I felt content that I did the will of God by understanding the needs of his people. I realized that God challenges me through the struggles and suffering of the people today. As a disciple and a brother, I am called to seek and discern the will of God in anticipating people’s daily experiences: their struggles, strives, pains, and hindrances.

Perhaps God’s will for me is to love and help those who cross my path. Through this reflection, I would like to invite you to search and discern the will of God during this outbreak of COVID -19. Let us consider this opportunity to render our selfless service to our brothers and sisters who are worst affected in this lockdown. Let us seek the will of God to help the poor, migrants, orphans, and individuals whom we meet on our path.