Seek the Lord’s Help to Shed Fears

By Shiju Joseph csc –

Readings: Acts 5: 17-26; Jn 3: 16-21

In today’s gospel, Jesus defines ‘judgement’ as choosing darkness over light because one’s works were evil. Some are scared of being transparent to others because they fear that others will not like what they see. Some others prefer darkness because they have something truly bad to hide from others.

In any case, the preference for the dark, or fear of the light, is a condemnation in itself, given by one to oneself. In contrast to this we see the apostles who were thrown into the jail by the ‘high priest and all who were with him’.

The thick of darkness could not keep them hidden and the angel of the Lord rescues them and asks them to stand in broad daylight and proclaim the Word. They had nothing to be afraid of, and were enabled by the angel of the Lord to preach boldly. In fact, it was the captain and the officers who went to bring the apostles, who were afraid of the people.

What are my greatest fears? What am I afraid that others may find out about me? Can I ask the Lord to put me in broad daylight and empower me to preach his way? What do I need to do to be rescued from the darkness that I have come to prefer just to
protect me from the prying eyes of others?

Lord, help me to shed my fears, and embolden me to choose light over darkness.