Mother Mary

Seek Mother Mary’s Intercession to Do His Will

By Naresh Namindla csc –

Readings: Is 7: 10-14, 8: 10; Heb 10: 4-10; Lk 1: 26-38

Today the mother Church celebrates the Annunciation of the Lord. This feast marks the new relationship between God and man. In the book of Genesis, we see that God took initiative to
create human beings. And today, God once again took the initiative to choose Mother Mary as an instrument for his Son to be born in this world, as it was foretold in today’s first reading.
Mother Mary responded to God’s invitation with complete trust and faith by saying “let it be done to me according to your word.”

This feast invites each Christian to imitate Mother Mary in fulfilling God’s will in our lives. God chooses each person for a unique purpose. God chooses some to become doctors, some to
become lawyers, while some others to be teachers or preachers or helpers

Whatever may be the call and purpose, we are called to say yes to the Lord with complete trust and full faith. He will enable each one to do the duty according to his will, if we say, “let it be done to me according to thy will.” As human beings, each one has our own goals, sometimes we do not know what to do once we reach that goal. Therefore, let us remember our commitment today and ask the intercession of Mother Mary that we may always say yes to the Lord and do his will according to his purpose.