Seek God’s Help to Fight Against Temptations

Jacob Perikala csc –

Readings: Jer 7: 23-28; Lk 11: 14-23

The first reading of the day clearly states that we need to walk according to God’s instructions so that we can reach him without any hindrance in life. In the gospel, Jesus wants us to be with him and be saved. He is like a mighty warrior, stronger than any adversary, who fights on our behalf and delivers us from sin.

The Lord is ever ready to welcome us at any point in our lives. As the responsorial psalm says, He is merciful to us if we return to him with our whole hearts. During this time of Lent, God is giving us ample chances to come back to him. Jesus comes to us daily to help us to fight against our weaknesses, but we fail to give space to him and fight alone, thinking that we can do it alone.

In that process, we lose the battle as well as hope. Today, the readings inspire us to approach Jesus, who is the strongest person, and take his help to fight against our weaknesses and sinful nature so that we become one with him as we were before.

Now is the time to decide between Jesus and sin; neutrality is not acceptable because without Jesus, victory over Satan cannot be achieved through our own efforts. Saints Perpetua and Felicity were faithful and sought God’s providence; that was the reason they were able to embrace the crown of martyrdom. Let us then humble ourselves and ask God to fight with us against our weaknesses and temptations.