See Good Deeds and Follow Christ

Vamshi Eedara csc –

Readings: Isa 56:1,6-7; Rom11:13-15, 29-32; Mt 15:21-28

We are in the 20th Sunday of ordinary time. All the three readings of today speak of the expansive and universal nature of the Kingdom of God. God offered redemption first to the Jews and through them to the rest of the world.

In the first reading Prophet Isaiah mentions that everyone has a part to play in God’s redemptive plan even those who don’t belong to the Jewish group. In the second reading St. Paul explains how the disobedience of the Jews led to the redemption of the gentiles. He also encourages all the Jews to experience the redemption brought through Jesus.

In the gospel reading Jesus demonstrates that salvation was meant for the gentiles as well as for the Jews by healing the daughter of a Gentile woman as a reward for her strong faith.

Thus, Jesus shows that God’s mercy and love are available to all who call out to him in faith. God’s care extends beyond the bounds of race and nation to the hearts of all. And God’s house should become a house of prayer for all peoples. It is, therefore, fitting that we should pray and work sincerely so that the walls which our pride, intolerance, fear, and prejudice have raised may crumble. As disciples of Christ let us live our life in this world meaningfully so that others may see our good deeds and follow Christ.