Rid Yourself of Judgmental Attitude

John Desing csc –

Readings: Heb 4: 12-16; Mk 2: 13-17

The gospel reading presents to us three types of personalities representing Jesus as one who reaches out to others, Levi as one who feels unworthy because of his sins, and lastly the pharisee who is judgemental and self-righteous. Am I like Levi who recognises his own weakness and unrighteous deeds and yet willing to accept the invitation of Jesus to follow him radically? Many times, we have much to learn from the ordinary and unholy people like Levi who regards nothing else is important but Jesus alone. Leaving behind all that he earned and possessed, he receives much more. Or am I like the self-righteous pharisee who never sees anything around him except himself?

This is an important invitation from the reading to learn to appreciate the goodness in each one of us in our family, community and society. It is difficult to put others first always or to consider others as more important than me in our daily life, but we can certainly avoid spoiling the image of other person when we consider others as children of the same loving Father.

Jesus taught us how to reach out to the needy and the poor. Though he was a high priest, he humbled himself in order to sympathise with our weaknesses. He chose to be with the least and the rejected in the society such as Levi, a sinner. By doing so he gains souls for the kingdom. Let us rid ourselves of our judgmental attitude so that others experience the mercy and love of Christ through us.