Review: A Wonderful Book – Creation Sin Restoration

Sr. (Dr.) Teresa Joseph fma –

Prof. Dr. Ashok Chakranarayan, who passed away recently on July 18, 2023, wrote on ‘Creation Sin Restoration’. It was his first attempt to spread the Word of God. Now the book is translated into Marathi and the book launch on 27 July 2023.

The author is rooted and grounded in the Word of God and love for it; he learned from his beloved mother, right from early childhood. The author’s ecumenical spirit, his profound knowledge of Pope Francis’s teaching on Ecology and his passion to communicate well elaborated contents are all worthy of mention. Rt. Rev. Thomas Dabre, in his foreword affirms: “the author has skilfully described the ecological crisis and elegantly integrated it into the process of salvation.”

Dr. Chakranarayan brings into the book his vast knowledge of geology and his genuine familiarity with the Word of God. The pages from 13 to 51 on Creation are marked by a splendid blending of the beauty of nature and the power of God’s Word. Any reader would admire the author’s artistic skill to put into words the greatness of God and the splendour of creation, the crown of which is the human being made into God’s own image and likeness.

The part on sin runs from pages 52 to 140; here we have a marvellous synthesis of: God’s unconditional love for each and every human being made concrete in Jesus Christ the Messiah, the anointed one, God’s covenant with his people as a sacred relationship, God’s loving and close connection with each and every person. Man and woman blessed with freedom and intelligence has a conscience that interrupts him/her for wrong doing, prompts to seek forgiveness and the joy of attaining it thanks to the redeeming love of Jesus Christ.

With profound reflection and great care, the 7 words of Jesus from the cross are elaborated. Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother is presented with essential sketches. Jesus’ Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven and then to be seated at the right hand of the Father writes Chakranarayan “is a narrative, ‘Wonderfully Divine’ and gives us great encouragement and hope of the Salvation offered by Jesus to everyone.” Carefully selected, appropriate Scriptural texts add that touch of completeness to these pages.

The restoration of God’s original plan for all times to come will be accomplished. The action of the Holy Spirit in each person is aptly done with clarity and precision.Writing about ‘Mankind’s’ sinful nature over the past 2000years, the author brings in sin or wrong doing, offering of sacrifice to atone for sins and how the Lord God sends his only Begotten son Jesus to save human beings from sin. A glance at the world is made with reference to billions of people: those who believe and follow Jesus Christ and those who belong to other religions and beliefs living on the earth thanks to God’s blessings.

The part on Restoration is present in pages 141-158. God will restore creation to its original splendour with the Second Coming of Jesus. Jesus the prince of peace will rule over the restored creation. This restoration is indeed a gigantic task: which requires a radical change in the thinking pattern and attitude of human beings. Relevant references to the Old and the New Testament sustain the author’s narrative of how God spoke through the Prophets about a complete restoration of humankind. A meditative, contemplative reading of the texts is necessary to grasp its depth. Dr. Chakranarayan has eloquently brought in Pope Francis’s teaching on how to face reality, accept the situation with courage, the role of faith, the need to discipline ourselves to keep away from the devil, etc. Here are a few strong affirmations of the author: God’s promise of restoration and new life is the only hope of mankind; God’s original plan of a beautiful earth with a holy relationship and communion with man, will once again be restored for all time to come.

Signs of Jesus’ second coming are well described with pertinent scriptural texts and with awareness of the current reality: false teachings, wrong interpretations of the Word of God, signs of impending disasters etc. The destruction of evil, repentance that led to restoration and admission to the table of the Eucharist, how the Lord’s Supper was for the early Christians an anticipation of the heavenly banquet that they wait for in heaven are some of the lovely themes that take the reader to listen to the last hour. Finally the eager longing for the second coming of Jesus: “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth…” (Revelation 21:1). As we eagerly look to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring about the complete restoration of God’s creation and of human beings, in a new heaven and a new earth; our author’s concluding lines are hope-filled, coloured by a dynamic and lived faith: “The divine relationship between God and man will be definitely re-established.”

The colourful pictures add to the beauty of this book. For more kindly take the book and read on…