Respond to the Call of Jesus

By Martin Madalai Muthu csc –

Readings: Jer 1: 4-9; 2Cor 4: 7-15; Lk 10: 1-16

Today, we joyfully remember Francis Xavier, the patron saint of India, who brought good news of Jesus to India and sacrificed his life for the mission of Christ. The readings of today and the life of the saint of the day remind us of the importance of faithfully following the call of the

As Catholics, we are invited to the call of Jesus to spread the kingdom of God on earth. We are assured by the words of God that we are selected for his mission even before we are born.

In today’s gospel, we hear Jesus saying: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” He needs our support to carry out his mission to different places.

Are we ready to accept his invitation in spreading the good news through our words and deeds? This is the question we are called to answer today.

To be a labourer in the harvest which Jesus is looking for, we need to be prepared to face life’s different circumstances and challenges. Many of us may reject his call out of fear by giving excuses like Prophet Jeremiah in the first reading. Mostly it happens when we are asked to take up new responsibilities or try to live out the Christian values.

In these moments, the words of God ask us not to fear as the Lord is with us to deliver and help us with the words to speak. In this process, at times we may get rejected, humiliated, or persecuted; but God will not allow us to be destroyed completely. Today let us ask ourselves: What are those things/feelings which block us from being faithful in responding to the call of Jesus to be the lambs amidst wolves? And let us seek out his spirit to guide and strengthen us to be faithful.