Respond to Needs of Others

Jessel Pradeep Cutinha csc –

Readings: 1 Cor 6:1-11; Lk 6:12-19

In today’s Gospel, we read that Jesus spends time in prayer, to discern the will of His Father before choosing the twelve Apostles. After that He heals the diseases of the people, cures those who are troubled by the unclean spirits, and we hear that power came out from him and he healed them all. The prayer life of Jesus led him to be in communion with his Father and as a result he did great deeds.

Today when we look around, we see people who need help, who are troubled and suffering, finding it difficult to accept the realities of life situations. Today’s readings communicate that only in God all the needs are met with, and all the troubles are removed. Therefore, today Jesus teaches us to pray and draw strength from God the Father.

As Jesus chose his disciples, we too are called and chosen for his mission. The Apostles had their strengths and weaknesses, yet they responded to Jesus. They failed but came back to Jesus, since he was their teacher. They learned from Jesus how to pray and draw strength from prayer. This enabled them to carry out Jesus’ ministry of healing, preaching and teaching.

Today, are we willing to be Jesus’ disciples? Are we willing to respond to the needs of those who are in need?