Remain in the Love of God

By Kulandai Albert csc –

Readings: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Lk 2:36-40

In the first reading, St. John speaks about the destiny of those who do the will of God and those who fail to do so. In the beginning, he appreciates the people who did the will of God. Later, he talks of the fate of people who love the world, but not God, which is why they would pass away, as the world moves on. On the other hand, the effects of people who love God and do his will would remain forever.

In the gospel reading we read about the proclamation of the prophetess Anna and Jesus’ early years. Generally, we focus on the joy and reward of Anna by God. She was faithful in worship, fasting, and prayer to see the awaited saviour. She proclaimed her joy and faith in meeting the saviour.

Through these readings Jesus invites us to do the will of God and remain in love of God. It is essential to be away from the world and its temptation. St. John says those who love the world are enticed with worldly pleasure which passes away. The prophetess Anna comes across to us as an example of one who loved God and remained in the love of God.

In our daily life, we keep trust and love those things which are not permanent like money, cars, gold and so on. But we fail to love our parents, children, people we live with, and God who saves us always. Most often, our love and concern are towards worldly things because we are blinded by the darkness of the worldly things. So, let us recognize where we are, which will help us to realize our failures. And let us do the will of God and remain in the love of God.