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Rely on God’s Assurance

By Newton Basumatari csc –

Readings: Deut 10:12-22; Mt 17: 22-27

To experience God is to love him, and to love him is to do his will. Jesus wants me to be his free disciple, who is free from all obstacles, worries, and tension because Jesus set me free from the slavery of sin, and offered his greatest gift of love.

In today’s gospel, Jesus not only tells Simon that whoever has love for him will be free. Through the readings of today, God invites me to experience his love, which is the greatest gift in my life.

In order to experience his love, I need to place my trust in his divine providence. Often, I fail to trust in his divine providence and have focused on things which seem to be good but have lasted only for a few moments and led me to more problems and worries.

To become a free disciple of Jesus, I need to recall my love for God every day of my life. God sacrificed his only son for my sake to free me from all things that could hinder following him.

Through these readings, God is assuring that he will give me the strength to face the challenges that I am likely to face in following him.