Reflect the Values and Virtues of Christ

Philip Raj csc.

Readings: 1 Jn 3: 7-10; Jn 1: 35-42

The readings of the day invite us to serve as ambassadors of Christ. We have received a special vocation from God to spread his love and mercy in the society. In the first reading St. John issues a challenge, asserting, “All those who are born of God do not commit sin.” By committing sins, we go astray from God, and we lose our identity as the children of God. The gospel reading narrates the vocational calling of Simon Peter and his brother Andrew, beckoned by Jesus to proclaim the Good News to the farthest reaches of the earth.

Notably, Jesus bestows upon Simon Peter the name Cephas, signifying “Rock”. When someone is given a new name, it implies a new mission and new vocation in life. We must strive to fulfill the mission that Jesus gives us in our everyday life. St. Augustine in a sermon said, “Love God and do what you want.” If we love God, we will not do evil deeds in our lives.

The foundational step in our lives is to cultivate a profound love for God, because such love imparts meaning to our existence. We must constantly remind ourselves that we serve as ambassadors of Christ, tasked with representing him amidst the people by unwaveringly adhering to his teachings. Let our lives reflect the values and virtues of Christ, embodying his love and grace.