Receive God’s Grace to Sustain Our Faith in Him

Shanborlang Mawrie csc –

Readings: Ex 32:7-14; Jn 5:31-47

Both readings of today speak about the favour that God has shown to His people. He sends Moses as we heard from the book of Exodus and John the Baptist as the Gospel tells us to bear witness to Him. But people’s hearts were so hard to believe even after so many miracles have been done in their life. God’s unconditional love for us never fails.

He is continuing to do miracles after miracles even today. He sent many Prophets to us so that we might realize his unconditional love and believe. Still, the people of Israel refused to believe in him. Finally, he sent his own beloved son to make us realize that our way of life is wrong and that we need to repent and believe.

Most of the time we are like the Jews who were proud of themselves by being keeping the law. They were trying to find fault in Jesus and refused to believe in him and his works. Sometimes, we too, because of our pride refuse to believe in him, and his word. We believe that whatever we receive is because of our own capacities, strengths, talents, etc. Through this Gospel today, Jesus is telling us that we should not have doubt but believe in him. But when we think about committing ourselves fully in Christ, we realize that we have to forgo our own ego which blocks us to believe in him.

Therefore, this season should help us to realize the need for God’s grace to sustain our faith in him and to witness Christ to all the people.