Reach Out to the Needy

By Thamwar Monsang csc.

Readings: Is 1: 10, 16- 20; Mt 23: 1- 12

The gospel shows us how Jesus tells his disciples to listen to the Pharisees and Scribes but warns them not to imitate them. This is because the Pharisees and Scribes lacked humility and wanted others to serve them. They did not show enough compassion to the needy, even though they knew and taught what compassion meant. They were good teachers, but their lives did not reflect God’s love.

We are also loved by God in spite of our flaws and failures. But if we keep that love to ourselves and our families, we will be like the Pharisees and Scribes and our love will not be genuine. And if we care for our neighbours who are in need, regardless of our preferences, we will show God’s love and witness to his unconditional love.

Jesus invites us to be great teachers by living what we teach. We can only teach others by our lives when we have the attitude of serving and not being served. This attitude comes from loving others selflessly. Any selfless act will reach the needy and help them. We just need to act without selfishness. So let us ask the Lord to give us the grace to reach out to the needy and care for them, so that many may come to know Jesus by our way of living.