Re-Examine Your Relationship With Christ

By Vimal Kumar A. csc

Readings: Acts 9: 26-31; 1 Jn 3: 18-24; Jn 15: 1-8

Today’s liturgy invites us to meditate on the theme of union with Christ. Our predominant spiritual purpose is to imitate the virtues of Christ and remain in union with him on a constant basis.

In the first reading, people were terrified and astonished to see Paul becoming a preacher of Christ’s message. God sees the future and not the past and he never ceases to call his people to become a bearer of the gospel. Everyone has been invited to become a bearer of the gospel message, which is the primary step to remain in union with Christ.

In the gospel, Jesus stresses the spiritual bond between him and us: “Abide in me as I abide in you”, “Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.” For God, all things are possible, and for us, it is impossible to think a life without God.

Our union with Christ will enable us to gain strength during our temptations, courage to face the trails, patience to endure the suffering, and optimism to overcome negativity and pessimism. It is an invitation for us to re-examine our relationship with Christ and introspect if our lives are centred around Christ or the worldly goals.