Radiate Joy, Hope and Peace

By Friny Peter Ruwnglal, CSC –

Readings: Jdg 13: 2- 7, 24-25a; Lk 1: 5-25

The twin stories of the foretelling of the birth of Samson and John the Baptist remind me of the criteria of faith, and response to some usual happenings. In the Gospel we hear of Zechariah and Elizabeth in their old age assured of childbirth. Definitely at first, they must have been filled with reluctance and confusion hearing of such promise yet accepted it as God’s gift with faith and gratitude.

In my life too, certain times I am faced with fear and anxiety about what life holds and will bring me. But today I am encouraged and consoled with the scripture passage which says, “Do not be afraid Zechariah, for your prayers has been heard.” At this juncture, I am called to pray unceasingly and believe in the faithfulness of God and trust in his providence. Then, what is required of me is to give praise and thanks to God for his favors and blessings in my life.

I believe such joys and happiness must be shared with others during this season of advent when you and I are preparing for the birth of Jesus Christ in our life, community, society and in the world at large. I am also called to radiate the message of joy, hope, peace and reassure the people when faced with uncertainties in family life or in vocation to religious life, sickness, suffering and death.

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