Put on the Shield of Faith

Kulandai Albert csc –

Readings: Eph 6:10-20; Lk 13:31-35

Today, the liturgy of the word invites us to wear the whole armor of God and fight against the evils in the world. The armor of God is for the conflict with sin, which is the ultimate cause of evil. St. Paul also speaks about different armors of God. He invites us to use it to fight against evils in the world. In the gospel reading, we are told how Jesus himself faced evil in his time. He faced evil when he encountered people like Herod. He stood against Herod in righteousness, good works, charity and justice. He said, ‘I cast out demons and perform cures’. He says indirectly that he is not afraid of Herod.

In the world, the greatest evil of the present time is violence against justice, charity, and peace. We are faced with such evils like oppression of marginalized and minorities, denial of dignity for the downtrodden, poor becoming poorer, rich becoming richer, and no voice for women and outcastes.

We are called to fight against these evils and secure justice, charity, and peace. We need to fight against these evils by putting on the shield of faith, by the breastplate of righteousness, by the shoes of the gospel of peace and by wielding the sword of God’s word. Therefore, let us have faith in Jesus with righteousness in heart, and read the word of God and share the peace of Jesus to all.