Pursue Welfare of Everyone

By Vimal Kumar A, CSC –

Readings: 1Sam 16: 1-13; Mk 2: 23-28

Every society is governed by certain principles, norms, laws and rules so that the common interest of the people is protected and safeguarded. Today’s reading brings out the present scenario of political world.

Through First reading, the election of David indicates that a sense of servant leadership without bias. The Lord selects him, looking into his inner world. How many of us rationally think to elect a leader based on his/her caliber, kindness, compassion, their understanding of people’s needs etc.

The Gospel teaches us that all the rules and laws formulated for wellbeing of the people and not people for the laws and regulations. Let’s take time to introspect, how sound am I in discernment to judge my own actions to select an effective leader in the Church, in the Society etc.

Have I manipulated the people’s interest for my selfish benefits? Jesus is the great leader who has shown the right way which he walked: he cared for the people; he raised his voice against the authority and Pharisees who shunned the people. Like Jesus, we are all called to stand for the poor, marginalised and weaker sections in the society. I must be a true follower of Jesus, in fighting for justice, righteousness and peace for equality of all people. As a human being, never forget that truth, equality, justice, peace and love are the byproducts of Kingdom of God which I need to pursue in my life for the well being and welfare of everyone.