Pune: Formation and Nurturing of Catechists

Sr. Teresa Joseph fma –

Pune: Oh what a sight it is to see Catechists gathered together for a basic training! There is always something so special that binds them together. We at the Salesian Catechetical Centre, witnessed the enthusiasm, laughter and sharing of 20 Catechists from 26-27 August 2023. Brother Joswin D’Souza set the tone for the day with very significant moments of prayer.

Fr. Ian Doulton session

Fr. Cyril D’Souza SDB dealt with who is a Catechist?  Referring to the Apostolic Letter “MOTU PROPRIO” BY THE SUPREME PONTIFF FRANCIS “ANTIQUUM MINISTERIUM”, Professor D’Souza highlighted how Pope Francis on 10 May 2021 recognizes Catechists as an institutional ministry in the Church.

Fr. Cyril D’Souza Session

Brother. Jittin Varghese skillfully introduced the participants into the use of Catechism of the Catholic Church, Youcat and Docat. Mrs. Nisha Cardoz offered the Catechists a taste of “Come and See.” Sr. Teresa Joseph presented Jesus the Master Catechist. Mrs. Maggie Menezes led the participants into a deeper understanding of “Abide in Me” – Personal Prayer.

Bro Jittin session

On Sunday morning, Fr. Ian Doulton presided over the Eucharistic Celebration. With his soul lifting homily he led all present into the depth of God’s mysterious love, to know Jesus not only at head level but much more at heart level and to take the Jesus whom we know to those whom we catechise.  Fr. Valerian Pereira speaking of Scripture, Faith and Catechesis invited the Catechists to develop deep within, the taste for Scripture. Fr. Ian Doulton’s session on what is your role as a Catechist evidenced few heart-warming points like: the Catechist is someone who sends out Jesus’ vibe; Be my witness – with your life you have to witness Jesus’, The Word became flesh -your flesh…  my flesh, we need to take charge of our spiritual growth, I have to be for my children what Jesus was for his disciples, Communicate with strength and conviction. People of faith can’t have all the answers but we can relax knowing that the Lord works through us,

The Catechist is in relationship with the Lord, A good question to ask is what is God telling me now?; Help your children by echoing what God wants them to be. Steps to prepare a Catechism Class by Fr. Ian Doulton did suggest concrete and creative way to design lessons and make them meaningful. Mrs. Maggie gave an overall view on how to prepare Lessons in the light of all that the Catechists have received in these two days. The group work saw the Catechists designing lessons. This was followed by presentation of the lessons by each group and feedback from the resource persons and the participants:

Group 1: Moses and his calling

Group 2: Identifying our neighbour

Group 3: Prayer

Group 4: Mary our Mother

Maggie at the presentation

What added colour and beauty to our two days program is: the friendly atmosphere among the participants, participatory and interactive sessions, sharing of experiences, the warm Salesian hospitality etc.

“The concept that Catechism teachers are not actually teachers but transmitters of faith was explained in detail by Fr. Dr. Cyril D’Souza and the first time the wisdom of my age, the knowledge that I am a teacher this myth was shattered completely and I realized my responsibility is not just teach the Word of God but by my life instil the values of Christ on my children” – Maria Romel