Profess Christ But Also Live for Him

Tarsish Marak csc

Readings: 1 Thes 3:7-13; Mt 24: 42-51

The gospel reading of the day invites us to be watchful, alert, and prepared. Jesus says, “stay awake”. Jesus invites us to renew our relationship with him and to be connected to him. So that he will find us watchful when he comes to meet us. To be watchful means doing the right things for the right reason at the right time.

A watchful person prepares himself well to face any consequences in his life without fear. A watchful person updates himself to be more in personal life and social life. The faithful and wise servant in today’s gospel represents genuine followers.

Genuine followers not only profess Christ but also live for him. They watch over the task that the Lord has given them. They have control over their attitudes and behaviours. They keep watching for the signs of Christ’s return. So, on the day of his coming, they will be seen as prepared servants to receive him gloriously into their lives.