Prepare to Receive Jesus

Newton Basumatari csc –

Readings: Is 11:1-10; Lk 10: 21-24

We are in the first week of Advent, and the readings of the day invite us to transform our hearts to receive Christ in our lives.

The first reading from the book of Isiah foretells that a shoot from the stump of Jesse, that is a descendent of David, Messiah will come and who will give us the spirit to live our life, that is wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. And this spirit transforms all the beings to enter into a new community, a community of peace, justice, righteousness,
and faithfulness.

In the gospel we see Jesus rejoicing in the Spirit and thanking the Father for giving the Spirit to simple people, and to the disciples to understand the mysteries of the kingdom. Jesus rejoices because the Spirit of the Lord is transforming the people who have listened to His words. And those who experience transformation in their lives
enter a new community.

Today you and I are called to be part of that community where we could experience peace, love, justice, and righteousness. As we prepare ourselves to receive the newborn Christ in our lives, let us ask the Lord to give us the grace to create a community where our brothers and sisters could experience peace, love, and joy. May these experiences in our lives help us to prepare ourselves to receive our master Jesus Christ.