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Pray that You Have Continuous Encounter with Him

Tarsish Marak csc –

Readings: Acts 2:42-47; 1 Pet 1: 3-9; Jn 20:19-31

After the death of Jesus, the disciples were in fear and trembling and gathered themselves in a room. When Jesus appeared to them Thomas was not present and when his fellow disciples told him he was not convinced because he did not personally see Jesus. It was when Jesus appeared to them again that Thomas was present and personally encountered the resurrected Jesus.

He experienced a new life in him which eventually led him to confess Jesus as Lord and God. The confession of Thomas not only made a difference in his life but also strengthened the faith of other disciples. After the second encounter with Jesus, the disciples were strengthened in conviction and courage. They were anointed by power of the Holy Spirit and were commissioned to go out and make disciples of Christ.

Like the disciples, we have received Christ in our life and have been empowered by the breath of the Spirit to go and proclaim our God’s experience to others. We pray that we may have a continuous encounter with Him in order to strengthen our faith and to be courageous bearers of the good news.