Pray for the Grace to Recognise Our Wrongdoings

Jessel Pradeep Cutinha csc

Readings: Jon 3: 1-10; Lk 11: 29-32

Our pride and other vices do not permit us from knowing and recognizing Jesus as the Messiah. We often ask for signs for the existence of God. Our faith in God at times depends only on the miracles. When signs and miracles are absent, our spiritual life may experience periods of dryness.

However, we often overlook the everyday signs that God provides, such as each new day, the gift of life, good health, and the sacraments. Today, in the gospel we see that the Jews, especially the religious leaders demanding a sign from Jesus.

The readings of today call us therefore, to repent from our wrongdoings and turn to God. Because God shows mercy to the broken and humbled heart like he did to the people of Nineveh. The signs and prophecy of Jonah and the message of Jesus emphasize the need for repentance.

Jesus’ call for repentance reminds us that we often lack the same eagerness for repentance that the people of Nineveh demonstrated. Consequently, we find ourselves continually seeking signs. However, if the people of Nineveh could repent and turn to God, so can we. Jesus, greater than Jonah, is the true Word of God and the Lord of Mercy.

Let us, therefore, pray for the grace and courage to recognize our wrongdoings, turn away from them, and walk towards Jesus. In doing so, we open ourselves to experiencing his love and mercy, allowing us to encounter him through the everyday miracles in our lives.