Place Your Trust in God

By Philip Raj csc –

Readings: Acts 16: 1-10; Jn 15: 18-21

The readings of today invite us to listen to the voice of the Lord and to follow his precepts. In the first reading, we see how St. Paul was constantly guided by the Spirit of the Lord. It was with the help and assistance of the Spirit that he and his followers were able to preach the Lord’s word.

In the gospel reading, Jesus gives us an invitation to follow his footprints closely. In following Christ, we may come across much persecution, hardships, and adversities. But that should not surprise us because Jesus himself had gone through these difficulties.

At times we tell ourselves that what we plan or think is best for us, but it may not be always right. More than us, God knows what is good for us. God speaks to us in the form of our parents, teachers, friends, and so on. When we allow the Spirit of the Lord to work in us, we will be able to discern the will of the Lord.

Like Jesus and his disciples, we may also face challenges for being righteous and honest in this world. Many of them may hate us for our truthfulness and fraternal corrections because truth is always bitter. We need to remember that God is always with us to show us the path and direct our hearts. When we place our trust in God, we will be given the strength and courage to face all our difficulties in life.