Place Your Faith in Him

By Eldho Augustine csc –

Readings: Jer 31: 1-7; Mt 15: 21-28

What is our attitude when we face problems? How do we respond to the works of the devil? And more importantly, do we have faith in God that his purpose will be fulfilled in our lives? The gospel reading of the day is an invitation to pay attention to these questions.

In the gospel, Jesus tests the faith of the Canaanite woman. How often do we find ourselves in the same situation as this woman? We present our petition to God through our prayers and earnestly wait for an answer. In life, we face hardships that can weaken our faith. At such times, we feel our prayers are unanswered. We feel that despite our earnest prayer, everything is getting worse rather than getting better. In the Bible, faith is demonstrated through tests: Abraham was tested by being asked to sacrifice his son Isaac.

We can find many such examples. The saints too lived with such faith. St. Monica prayed for forty years for the conversion of her son Augustine who later became a saint. The faith of Canaanite woman and St. Monica is an example for us to live our lives, especially when we are overwhelmed by our problems. When we feel helpless, we need to believe that God tests our faith. So, let us continue to trust and hope in the Lord that he can work wonders in our lives if we place our faith in him. “So that the genuineness of your faith—being more precious than gold that, though perishable, is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed” (1 Pet 1:7).