Part of Heavenly Pilgrimage

By Vimal Kumar A. csc –

Readings: Wis 3:1-9; Rom 5:5-11; Jn 6:37-40

Today, we celebrate the All Souls Day. Mother Church extends an invitation to believe in the eternal life that Christ has promised us. Today, we invoke this truth and hope for our loved ones who have passed away in faith. We are also reminded that being one with Christ, in the accompany of saints and angels and experiencing eternal peace and love is the goal of all our lives.

In the gospel, Jesus invites everyone to be part of the heavenly pilgrimage with the Father that we intend to make after our death. Our faith journey is the way to reach our Father with Lord Jesus. Our faith in Jesus will lead us to hope for an eternal life.

At present, our faith journey should reflect through our actions in order to see the promise of the future. The first reading reminds us to be righteous in our actions to be worthy in the eyes of God. Our lifespan is very short on this earth; when we are ready to cast away all our prejudices, hatred, jealousy, ego, gossip, and biases, it paves the way to reach an eternal life. Let us seek the kingdom of God for righteousness, peace, love, and faith, and keep our hope in Christ to attain eternal peace.