Part II: The Journey to Bethlehem

By Most Rev Prakash Mallavarapu
Archbishop of Visakhapatnam

This is the second journey mentioned in the infancy narratives is about Mary and Joseph going to Bethlehem to register their names in obedience to the decree of Caesar Augustus, the emperor. There is also the faith and obedience of Joseph, Mary’s chaste spouse. He listened to God’s revelation through the angel and he accepted Mary betrothed to him, understanding very well the “child to be born of Mary is child conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. By accepting God’s plan, he gives the child born of Mary, legitimacy to be born in the house of David to which he belonged. From then on, Mary and Joseph journeyed together!

Their journey to Bethlehem led to the birth of Jesus in a manger at Bethlehem: “the Son of the Most High” and “Son of God!” Revelation about the child born of Mary is given to the shepherds, to the wise men from the East, and even to Herod. Shepherds and the wise men from the East come and visit – again a journey with a purpose! They came, they saw, they paid homage, and they went back rejoicing. Bethlehem is blessed and the people are blessed with the joy of seeing “the king who is born of Mary.” Mary and Joseph have to understand by listening to what God is saying through the shepherds and the magi. It is said, we know, “Mary kept all this in her heart and pondered.”

The journey to Egypt and the journey from Egypt to Nazareth:

The journey (flight) to Egypt and from Egypt to Nazareth was urgent to escape from the homicide planned by Herod to destroy the “new born King.” Within a short span of time the Holy family is again on a journey, certainly a difficult one but under the direction of God was a necessary journey. All the while, we should see, there is the unfolding of the consequences of the “Word becoming flesh,” “God becoming human being”. “Not everyone and not everything is welcoming and favorable towards the “Newborn King.” Interwoven in the infancy narrative is the journey of the Holy Family to Jerusalem for the “rites of purification” and the prophetic words of Simeon, “revelation” of the truth regarding the child born of Mary: “A light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel” (Lk 2: 32).

Again here through Simeon and Anna, the birth of Messiah is proclaimed to more people. The culmination of the infancy narratives is the journey of the Holy Family to Jerusalem for the Passover feast and Jesus is proclaimed to the learned Jews, the “Messaiah” For Joseph and Mary it was a “double journey.” They are told something more of this child of twelve years, “busy with His Father’s Work.”

Like our Blessed Mother and Joseph we have to see how God keeps disclosing His will and His plan, instructing and directing, guiding and protecting those who are called and entrusted with a mission. Concern for the living Church on its onward journey is one of the main reasons in calling for the Synod – 2021-2023.

Tomorrow: Synod 2021-2023 as a concern for the Church