Our Success Depends on Our Willingness

By Francis Gayang csc –

Readings: Wis 1:13–15, 2:23-24; 2Cor 8:7,9, 13-15; Mk 5:21-42

The society always has something to speak against us to limit our boundaries, some are for our good and most are to hamper our possibilities. If Jairus had listened to society, he would not have got his daughter back. The same for the women with haemorrhage. If she were not determined and courageous to break what the society had prescribed for women, she would have continued to suffer the same haemorrhage.

Life in this world is always a fight between the life we want to live and the one that is actually prescribed. The obstacles are sometimes the society itself, which has an impact on our personality and behaviours. But Jesus through his life gives us hope that there are no obstacles without opportunities. Therefore, he said, “fear not, but believe.”

The success of our efforts depends on our steps and willingness to risk. No matter what discouragement we receive from others or if our approach is irrational, we should learn to trust in the wisdom of God like Jairus and the woman in the gospel. When I learn to trust in God with a childlike nature, one day God will respond: “My child, your sins are forgiven. Go in peace, you are healed.”