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Our Compassionate God

By Eldho Augustine, CSC –

Readings: Num 11: 4b-15; Mt 13:13-21

In the gospel reading we see a God who is compassionate and who feels pity for his people. Jesus the Son of God had the compassion on the crowd who came in search of him to listen, though he was in a lonely place. Our God is a compassionate God who cares for his children who are in search of him in whatever situation they might be.

This we see in the first reading of the day. Out of his compassion God brought his people out of Egypt and fed them on the way to the Promised Land. It indicates that we need to have faith in God and should realize that God is compassionate. The scripture says, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly father is perfect” (Mt.5:48).

So the gospel reading invites us today to be compassionate towards the people who are downtrodden, marginalized and suffering because God is compassionate. Therefore we too are expected to be compassionate. It is not that we feel compassion towards them, rather what we do for them matters more. In the gospel Jesus felt compassion and healed them and fed them. So, let us think about ourselves: am I a person who feels compassion towards others and do something for their betterment? Have I experienced compassionate love of Jesus in my life?