Our Birth and Life Journey as Per the Plan of God

By Most Rev. Prakash Mallavarapu
Archbishop of Visakhapatnam

Our Blessed Mother’s Nativity and the Celebration of the Feast of our Lady of Good Health were good occasions to reflect on God’s plan for her and God’s plan for humanity. May our celebrations lead us to reflect and pray on the mystery of our own birth and our journey of life! Since we are venerating our Blessed Mother as Mother of good health, it is an opportunity to reflect on the physical and psychological ailments in our life and in the life of our near and dear ones.

Our birth is a deliberate event in the plan of God. There are no easy answers to the question why I am born. Instead, it is good to observe the journey of our life. Try to see how through the sum total of innumerable events, with all the twists and turns, how our life has been.

As believers in God who is the source of our life, and sustainer of our life. God is also our final destiny. With this faith and in this contact or communion with God, like our Blessed Mother, we should see gradually and understand the plan God has/had for us. We have to listen to this God and listen to our parents, family members, elders and teachers through whom God speaks and directs. No one among us can answer, if asked: did you know in your childhood days or as a high school student that you will be what and where you are today?

That our Blessed Mother was to be the Mother of God was made known to her, surprising her and even shocking her; “how can this be”? A virgin to be the Mother, that too, of the “Son of the Most High! Here we need to see another point: the stories of our life are unique and different. We need to accept, appreciate, and be positively disposed without giving to comparisons that lead to discontentment, disappointments, and even despair. Dear brothers and sisters, our birth and journey of life has to be seen in and through our faith. God’s revelation will keep on throwing light on what God wants our life to be and how we need to do our part!

In our bodily state of life, that is, in physical state, our life journey is inseparably connected and lived. Though the bodily life can be regulated through our thinking and planning, regarding the care body needs, body cannot be taken for granted; “A healthy soul/spirit in a healthy”! We all know that we try to take care of our body and its needs. But, bodily life itself becomes or is a “mystery”. As we do not know about the mystery of life, there is something wonderful and mysterious about our “Body” and about how this body functions. Bodily health, however is most unpredictable. There is hardly anyone who does not take some medication and help of physicians/doctors. We take responsibility for the whole life, body and spirit/soul. We want to be healthy in body and spirit. “Sin affects the health of Soul and body!

Malfunctioning of bodily parts needs to be attended. Mysterious as it is, when ailments develop it is our responsibility to do all that is possible. Here we know that there are many things beyond our means and capacities due to the complexity of biological and psychological makeup. Whatever it may be, one thing is certain, “UNCERTAINTY.” Help of God’s grace, intercession of blessed Mother and holy men and women, and prayer support of believers, we know, in a mysterious way make true difference! Miracles keep happening due to divine interventions!

In this regard Our Lady of Good Health stands as the “Source of Hope,” in facing ailments that show up, surprising us and our dear ones! A word about the “support” everyone can give to others. Today the cost of health care is such a burden that many families end up devastated- financially, psychologically, socially and in many other ways! Besides praying for them through our visits and spending time, and standing by them as they struggle,if one or a group organizes to mobilize help, etc. it will be a great support in a tangible and concrete expression of support! As priests and religious in the pastoral care members of Pious Associations, and people of good will can give this support to the sick, besides administering the sacraments and offering prayers!

Conclusion: “For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when Iwas being made in secret, Intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes beheld my unformed substance. In your book were written all the days that were formed for me, when none of them as yet existed. How weighty to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! I try to count them- they are more than the sand; I come to the end – I am still with you.”(Psalm 139: 13-18).