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Open Your Heart to His Love

Vamshi Eedara csc –

Readings: Acts 15:22-31; Jn 15:12-17

Today, the gospel reading invites us to love one another as Jesus loved us. To love one another is a challenging task for us.

Yet, it is possible to learn from Jesus who has shown it by dying on the cross for all of us as to know he loved us unconditionally. Many of us struggle to understand what love is. Love is God and God is love. He wants us to grow in his love.

In the gospel, Jesus tells us that he is our friend, and he loves us wholeheartedly and unconditionally. He wants us to love one another just as he loves us, wholeheartedly. His love fills our hearts, transforms our minds and frees us to give ourselves into the loving service of others.

If we open our hearts to his love and obey his commandment to love our neighbour by giving our personal time, attention, care, and love then we will bear much fruit in our lives, a fruit that will last for eternity