Offering Our Talents

By Sharon Piuse, CSC –

Readings: Dan 1:1-6, 8-20; Lk 21:1-4

In the first reading we see the holiness of Daniel. Daniel took firm decision that he would not defile himself with the royal rations of food and wine. God blessed him with knowledge and skills to keep his decision. The gospel reading of today tells about offerings. In the reading we see that the poor widow offered from her nothingness. Let us take our own life. How generous are we to give what we have (may be money or talents)?

In the case of money, poor people never think about tomorrow, so they like to spend and finish whatever they have in their life on daily basis. Let us take people who like to save. They will not be satisfied with whatever they have. They like to store up the treasures. I have seen poor people putting offering in the church. They are very happy and generous to give.

But most rich people murmur about offerings and they are not happy to give. The first reading invites us to live like Daniel; He was the one who kept away from sinful life. The gospel reading invites us to offer our talents and our lives to the Lord.

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