Never Give Up Our Faith For Any Reason

By Pravin S csc –

Readings: Heb 4: 1-5,11; Mk 2: 1-12

The liturgy of the day invites us to deepen our faith and be obedient to Christ to enter the kingdom of God. In life, we listen to and read the word of God many times through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Often, due to our negligence and lack of seriousness we forget his valuable teachings and tend to follow the wrong track. By not following or practicing the word of God, we become ineffective disciples of Christ. When we strongly unite in Christ by following his teachings, we become his beloved disciples and he will use us to bring light in others’ life. It is very important for all Christians to follow Christ and imitate his values. When we imitate him in our life, we become happier persons in the world, and he will bless us with abundant grace to bring happiness in the life of others.

The readings of today give us a special invitation to all of us to repent for the sins and get back to him and be rooted in him to become a part of the Christ’s family. The first reading invites us to be united with Jesus and listen to the word of God to enter the kingdom of God. People were warned by God for their negligence and lack of interest in listening to the word of God. So, we need to be faithful to Christ, by listening to and practicing the word of God in our life.

With this, we become obedient servants of Christ to do his mission. The gospel reading invites us to believe and surrender ourselves to Christ. In the gospel, people believed that Jesus is the man who has the power to heal and forgive the sins. They brought a paralytic man carried by four men to heal; and indeed, he was healed because of their faith in Christ. We face a lot of challenges in our life; we should never give up our faith for any reason. We should always pray to Christ to deepen our faith in him to enjoy his company and live a happy life.