May This Lent Be a Period of Genuine Spirituality

By Arun D. csc –

Readings: Hos 6:1-6; Lk 18: 9-14

The parable of the Pharisee and tax collector which is unique to the gospel of Luke interestingly is not addressed to either of them but to the self-righteous followers. Both the Pharisee and tax collector had some similarities. They went to the same temple at same time, and with the same faith.

Yet, their expressions were different. One expressed the faith through pride which was unacceptable to God, while the other expressed his faith through humility and was pleasing to God. The Pharisee did not praise God but himself and was impressed by his own performance. He kept God as a scorekeeper who rewards his so-called religious activities.

In comparing himself with the other, he belittled the tax collector and felt that God should feel honoured to hear him. The basic quality of prayer is humility. Comparison and competition are the two evils to which we can easily fall prey to in our life’s journey. The spiritual pride comes into our life in the most subtle ways. It is just a feeling that my spirituality is better than that of the other person.

The self-centred attitude of the Pharisee is seen in his short prayer where, the word, ‘I’ is used four times. The Lord is reminding me to get rid of my self-glorification and selfrighteousness and to approach him with an attitude of humility for I am a sinner. The Lent is the reminder for me to move from my selffocused life to a God-centred one. When I stop justifying myself, I will be justified by God. May this season of Lent enable me to practice a life of genuine spirituality than false religiosity.