May Archangels be Lght in Our Darkness

By Joseph Inbaraj csc –

Readings: Dan 7: 9-10, 13-14; Jn 1: 47-51

Today, we live in a society with influence from various media such as newspapers, television, radio, magazines, movies, internet, and so on. Our mind is filled with all kinds of information. At times we are flooded with all kinds of suggestions and opinions that perhaps let go God’s providence. During times of hopelessness and life challenges, we fail to trust God.

Today, the Mother Church celebrates the feast of the Archangels. The liturgy of the day invites us to imitate the Archangels. Like Michael, the Archangel, we are called to be dependent on the power of God in our life which would lead us to become a guard and protector of our fellow brothers and sisters.

Like Archangel Gabriel, we are called be courageous in all situations and be ready to listen to God’s voice in doing good. Like Archangel Raphael, we are called to walk boldly with God to experience God as a fellow traveller and helper in our life.

As we celebrate the feast of Archangels, let us grow in love and march forward towards God and his providence. May the Archangels be a light in our darkness and guard us from worldly things and help us to discern the will of God.