Make Your Life More Meaningful

By Thomas Lima csc –

Readings: 1Pt 1:3-9; Mk 10:17-27

Today, the rich man in the gospel asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Since the rich man had been faithful to the commandments since his youth, Jesus tells him that the Ten Commandments alone are not enough to enter the Kingdom of heaven. When we give up our material possessions is when the holy gate of heaven would open.

Hearing this, the rich man walked away with disappointment. The gospel teaches me to separate myself from the physical belongings and remain free from all material objects. In doing so, I can open myself to God and remember to care for those in need of my love.

This man probably was bored with his rich life. Now he was in need of a life which was incomparable with wealth and power. Total renunciation is must for people to inherit eternal life. I am invited today to follow Jesus’ values in my religious call. Though I am not rich in wealth and in material things, I have sufficient energy, love, and faith to share with the poor for the sake of God. I can relate with sinners and be compassionate to the downtrodden. This gives me more clarity to associate with the love of God.

The first reading gives us confidence that the genuineness of our faith is more precious than gold. Our inheritance here on earth is perishable, while God’s reward is great and imperishable and is kept for us in heaven.

Today, the gospel invites me to reflect upon what I am looking for to make my life more meaningful. What is the supreme goal in my life- God or possessions? Where do I place my trust? Is it in the person of Jesus or in the security provided by possessions? My happiness in this life and the next depends on the answer to these questions.