Make Jesus Known by Your Life

Tarsish Marak csc –

Readings: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Mk 3:20-21

The readings of the day invite us to be passionate about Christ’s mission. Jesus came into the world and shed his blood for the salvation of humanity. His sacrifice was once and for all. He died on the cross to redeem humanity from the slavery of sin.

The first reading of the day portrays that ‘he entered once for all into the holy place not with the blood of goat and calves but with his blood thus obtaining eternal redemption.’ From the Gospel reading, we found that people were after Jesus. They were looking for him to get something very essential for their basic needs. People in a way recognize that he can offer their basic needs physical strength and life in fullness because they experienced good and miraculous things performed by Jesus during his mission.

In my life Jesus comes every day, he died for me and fulfilled his mission by dying for my sins, and in return, he granted me life eternal. Jesus invites me to carry his legacy faithfully and reminds me of the criticisms that he faced for the sake of his mission. However, he was determined to work for the world and for the glory of his Father.

Today he invites you and me to continue his Mission. His mission is to spread and share the good news with the people. Therefore, I need to commit myself to Jesus; I need to give priority to the mission of Christ. It’s a tradition that the church has been handing over this mission to one another. When I give completely to Jesus, he gives me strength and willingness for his mission. I pray to Jesus to grant me the passionate heart to carry his mission faithfully and make him known by my words and deeds.