Make Every Effort to Use of God’s Beautiful Gift

Tarsish Marak csc –

Readings: Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Mt 13:10-17

Today the Gospel reading reminds us of the weaknesses in understanding the values and meaning of the Kingdom of heaven. ‘The knowledge of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.’

The precious knowledge about the Kingdom was given to the disciples because they were his chosen apostles. The apostles indeed made known this secret of the Kingdom after his ascension by preaching and living the example of our Lord Jesus even at the cost of their life.

Now that the apostles are no more with us physically, the responsibility falls on us. So, the invitation is for us to know the secrets of kingdom, to listen, understand, proclaim, and to live the kingdom values. The kingdom values are love, understanding, peace, justice, equality, harmony, etc.

Jesus stood for truth and justice and his goal was to preach the kingdom of heaven to the world and he entrusted us with the task of continuing his mission.

Therefore, as Christ’s followers let us make every effort to make use of God’s beautiful gift, which everyone is blessed with. Let us be counted among the fortunate ones as our Lord Jesus mentioned in the Gospel “as for you, how fortunate you are.” So, let us ask God to bless us with courage and confidence to promote the kingdom values in and around us.