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Love Others as we Love Ourselves Always

By Philip Raj A csc.

Readings: Is 2:1-5; Mt 8:5-11

In the first reading of the day, we can see the promise made by God through Prophet Isaiah about the arrival and the mission of Jesus. The advent of Jesus brought salvation not just for a particular clan or a group but for the entire human race, which is why Prophet Isaiah emphasized on, “All nations and many people” would enter the house of the Lord.

In the gospel reading, the centurion trusted in the authority and power of Jesus. He did not doubt whether Jesus could heal his servant. He clearly understood who had the ultimate authority and acknowledged his unworthiness to have Jesus under his roof. This confession of the centurion astonished Jesus. People from his town did not believe in Jesus in spite of his miracles and wonders whereas this centurion had staunch faith in Jesus. The faith of centurion teaches us to have a strong faith in the authority and power of Jesus.

In his letter to the Romans: 10:11 St. Paul says, ‘Anyone who trusts in Jesus will never be put to shame’. Right now, the Church is also trying to include all walks of people in journeying together. We are invited to not discriminate based on caste, colour, sect, religion, gender, language, cultural difference and so on. God wants all of us to be part of his kingdom which is why Jesus commissioned his disciples to proclaim the Good News to the ends of the earth. Therefore, let us imitate our Lord Jesus Christ and love others as we love ourselves always.