Live by Our Faith

Jessel Pradeep Cutinha csc –

Readings: Is 29:17-24; Mt 9: 27-31

Everyone may experience blindness or darkness in one or the other way. We all seek the light that gives us hope. Today’s first reading speaks about the coming of the Messiah who brings light, healing and hope.

Prophet Isaiah tells us that Christ brings comfort and light. This light brings back those who are away from God, and they’ll accept Him. We see what is prophesied in the first reading is fulfilled in the Gospel of the day.

In the healing of two blind men who had faith in Jesus and the light they saw both physical and spiritual is the proof that, God drives out all kinds of darkness from us. We truly believe that Jesus can work wonders in our life. It is when our faith meets God that miracles take place.

Today’s responsorial psalm highlights that the Lord is our light and our salvation. Thus, the readings of today invite us to open ourselves to God and have faith in Him.

The readings ask us to live by our faith. Let us then reflect on the healing that we wish to get? Do we really trust in Jesus and see His light? Do we believe that Jesus hears and responds to us?